December 2023 Vol 3 Issue II

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2301

1). Mr. Srinivasa H.T., Government First Grade College Nagamangala, Salem, Tamilnadu, India
2). Dr. K. Venkidasamy, Dr.MGR College of Arts & Commerce, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India

Keywords :

Return on Profit; Return on Asset; Net Profit Margin;Yeild on Total Investment; Capital Turnover Ratio; Dividend Payout Ratio; Interest Rate; Re-Insurance; Growth Rate; Unemployment Rate; Literacy rate; Insurance Penetration; Insurance Density; Solvency Margin; Inflation Rate.

Abstract :

India is being the 5th largest economy in the world and also ranking 15th in the area of insurance contributing nearly 2.73% into the worlds insurance. The intention behind conducting the study was to assess the financial performance of public sector general insurance companies which are operating in India and identifying the driving factors, parameters and various indicators which were determining the performance of public sector general insurance company with respect to productivity and profitability and also by identifying the valid reasons for decline in its growth in general insurance sector. The study has been conducted by considering some of the key dependent variables such as ROP and independent variable such as ROA, NPM, YOTI, CTR, DPR, IR, RI, GR, UER, LR, IP, ID, SM and IFR would be impacting the performances. Basically Four public sector general insurance companies such as National Insurance Company, New India Assurance Company Limited, United India Assurance Company Limited & Oriental Insurance Company Limited which are having a market share of 49.3% in Non-life sector has been considered for the study. Study has been carried out for a period of 10 years i.e. from 2011-12 to 2020-21. Statistical test such as correlation & regression analysis were employed in the study for effective analysis, findings of the study revealed that the variables such as YOTI and RI has a significant on ROP where as ROA, NPM, CTR, DPR, IR, GR, UER, LR, IP, ID, SM and IFR does not have any significant impact on the ROP. Finally the study tries to conclude that YOTI has an impact of 39.5% and RI has an impact of 65.5% on ROP, where as rest of the variables are not impacting much on ROP.

No of Downloads : 238

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2302

1). Dr. Dinkar Morvadia, N. R Vekaria Institute Business Management Studies, Junagadh, Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Beekeeper entrepreneurs, Honey, Entrepreneurial constraints, Garratt’s ranking

Abstract :

The study was projected to identify the constraints faced by beekeepers in the production and marketing of honey in Junagadh district of Gujarat state. A total of 50 beekeepers were selected by employing the snowball sampling method from Junagadh district of Gujarat state. Garratt’s ranking technique was used to rank the constraints. The result revealed that the majority of beekeepers faced production constraints for relocation of bee colonies with a 33.07 mean score. The low selling price of honey was faced by majority beekeepers listed under marketing constraint of honey with a mean score of 31.65 followed by to obtain the FSSAI/ISI standards certification in the study area whose producer’s share in consumer rupee was found the least i.e., 33.06 and 43.66 percent only among different marketing channels.

No of Downloads : 30

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2303

1). Dr. Bharat Bhagtani, N. R Vekaria Institute Business Management Studies, Junagadh, Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Employee Engagement, Private Banks, Gallup's Standard Q12.

Abstract :

Employee engagement describes the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels toward his/her job. Private banking sector being a stressful sector to work with the high potential growth rate, it becomes important to study how employee engagement practices affects the employee engagement and job satisfaction. Research was restricted to only Private Banks in Junagadh city in the year 2022. From which research is limited to five private banks in Junagadh city, namely HDFC, Axis, ICICI, Kotak Mahindra and YES bank. A total of 50 respondents were selected by employing the random sampling method from Junagadh city. The Gallup's Standard Q12 Instrument were used. The result revealed that the Employee engagement practises are good in 60% of selected banks and are Excellent in 12% of selected banks.

No of Downloads : 28

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2304

1). Ms. Shivangi Bhanderi, Atmiya University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
2). Mr. Pratik Pravin, Atmiya University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Financial literacy, Indian women, Financial decisions, Financial knowledge, Financial behavior, Financial attitude, Working women.

Abstract :

Financial planning is becoming increasingly important for an individual's financial well-being. While the importance of financial planning is widely recognised, the importance of financial literacy remains underappreciated, particularly among women. Also, the level of financial literacy among Indian women has not been well documented. As a result, a thorough understanding of the issue of financial literacy among women in India is required. This paper represents an attempt in that approach. Although it is essential that women be given equal ability to make financial decisions as men, many Indian women face financial, psychological, cultural, and physical impediments that prevent them from becoming financially independent. The purpose of this report is to identify the financial knowledge, financial behaviour, and financial attitude of working women in Rajkot city. The current study is being undertaken in Rajkot, and it has been determined to explore the financial literacy of working women. A sample of 65 working women was taken in order to achieve the study's goal. In this study, the researcher used the Mann-Whitney U-test to test the hypotheses.

No of Downloads : 34

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2305

1). Mrs. Pritha Gawande, Centre for distance and online education, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra, India
2). Mr. Kiran Agrawal, Marwadi University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
3). Mrs. Shilpa Gawande, Centre for distance and online education, Bharati Vidyapeeth , Pune, Maharashtra, India

Keywords :

Destination Branding, branding, brand experience, measurement, tourism destinations

Abstract :

Tourism revolves around engagement and destinations strengthen their credibility with destination brands. Branding has emerged as a central tool for tourist destinations, clearly conveying the various experiences that tourists can expect when they visit a place. This paper presents a comprehensive literature review covering various aspects of tourism destination branding. It brings together various discussions from the general marketing literature and reconciles them with the complexities of the tourism industry, highlighting the specific challenges of tourism destination branding.

No of Downloads : 43

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2306

1). Ms. Puja Vaghela, Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Junagadh , Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Small medium enterprise, accounting software, global market, growth, business.

Abstract :

The main object of this study is to get idea about the market size of accounting software for small and medium size enterprises. And to know the future estimates at global level. The study is designed as per descriptive research. It is totally based on secondary method of data collection. The required data were collected from the news articles, websites, journals and other related sources. As on the study, the small medium enterprises play a very important role in the market of India and at global level as well. It includes the businesses like Gym, Dental practices, hair and beauty salon, bar, cafe, restaurants, medical centres and related small and medium size business. As a result, In order to maintain daily records in an error-free and more precise manner, accounting software is a crucial tool for small and medium-sized businesses. The tool's price and time requirements are also decreased. In India, accounting software for small and medium enterprises has a market size of more than 60%, and analysts predict that it will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 7.2% between 2023 and 2030. In the future, this is anticipated to continue growing.

No of Downloads : 197

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2307

1). Mr. Ashish P. Chirodiya, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
2). Dr. Shailesh J. Parmar, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Paint Industry, Gross Value Added (GVA), Net Value Added (NVA)

Abstract :

This is an analytical study aimed to measure and find out any changes that took place in Value Addition ability of selected Paint companies of India. In context of Value Addition, this study only focused on two specific and fundamental value added namely, Gross Value Added (GVA) and Net Value Added (NVA). Both of these are calculated with the help of Additive method of Value Addition. For this study 4 sample companies from paint industry of India are chosen on the basis of Net Profit of 2022-23 (with the help of Non-Probability/ Judgmental Sampling technique). This study is based on 5 years data (from 2018-19 to 2022-23). For the purpose of analysis of Value Added, ANOVA – Parametric statistical test is used. On the basis of data, it is found out that there are major changes in the Gross Value Added (GVA) and Net Value Added (NVA) between sample companies. Asian Paints Ltd is generating most Gross Value Added (GVA) and Net Value Added (NVA) compared to all other companies combined. This is because of its high-volume sales as well profit

No of Downloads : 196

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2308

1). Mr. Dipamkumar Raval, Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Keywords :


Abstract :


No of Downloads : 25

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2309

1). Dr. Parinaz Bharucha, S. R. Luthra Institute of Management, Surat, Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Emotional Intelligence, Leadership

Abstract :

The core interpersonal and personal competencies that make up emotional intelligence were defined by psychologist Daniel Goleman, who also explained why emotional quotient is just as crucial to success as IQ. According to Goleman, emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize our own feelings as well as those of others, to inspire oneself, and to effectively manage emotions in both our personal and professional interactions. To accomplish a task, a leader must interact with his followers and try to change their attitudes and behaviours. Leaders with high EI exhibit transformative leadership characteristics, which are beneficial to the achievement of organizations. The present study conducts a literature review on study done by Bars on EI.

No of Downloads : 26

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2310

1). Ms. Surbhi Oriya, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic Policy, Economic Progress in India

Abstract :

Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept that asserts that a private company or public organization has a responsibility to the society for which they belong. It reduces both costs and hazards, enhancing the company's brand value and reputation. As Howard Bowen said "CSR refers to the obligations of company to pursue those policies, make those decisions, or follow those lines of relations that are desirable in terms of our society's objectives and values." CSR initiatives must be coordinated with effective strategic policies in order to attain the aim of long-term environmental, social, and economic progress. This article attempts to describe numerous CSR activities undertaken by various organizations in India.

No of Downloads : 16

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2311

1). Dr. Dinkar Morvadia, N. R Vekaria Institute Business Management Studies, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
2). Dr. Bharat Bhagtani, N. R Vekaria Institute Business Management Studies, Junagadh, Gujarat, India

Keywords :

White goods, buying behaviour, Correlation, percentage analysis and Likert’s scale

Abstract :

The study was projected to identify consumer buying behaviour towards white goods in Junagadh city. The Heavy consumer durables such as air conditioners, refrigerators, stoves, etc., which used to be painted only in white enamel finish. White Goods Industry is rising at a decent step but still the elementary queries in this sector remain unanswered as to what factors influences consumer perception / preference, status symbols / proportion of income spent and factors that motivates consumer brand switching. Exploratory and descriptive research had been used. Sample size taken for the study was 6 brand outlets which are located in Junagadh city and 60 consumers, 10 consumers from each outlet. Judgemental Sampling method was used. Structured Questionnaires had been filled up from the prospective customers of White Goods. Correlation, percentage analysis and Likert’s scale were used to analyse the data. Result found that 59% of the respondents agree that they expect schemes and offers in the festivals. About 42% of respondents agree that they buying according to the opinion of the sales persons in the Retail Stores. According to consumers, television, website, dealers, demonstration, word of mouth are the effective medium for advertising white goods.

No of Downloads : 18

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2312

1). Ms. Jainisha Pandya, Christ Institute of Management, Rajkot , Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Financial Literacy, Millennial, Generation Z, Financial Education, Economic Resilience, Financial Challenges, Student Debt, Job Markets, Technological Advancements, Financial Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviours, Budgeting, Savings, Investment Awareness, Debt Management, Financial Instruments, Socio-economic Factors, Educational Backgrounds, Digital Engagement, Financial Decision-making, Policy Implications, Empowerment, Long-term Financial Well-being.

Abstract :

This research investigates the levels of financial literacy among Millennials and Generation Z, two demographic cohorts navigating a rapidly evolving economic landscape. As these cohorts face unique financial challenges, such as rising student debt, changing job markets, and technological advancements, understanding their financial literacy is crucial for fostering economic resilience and well-informed decision-making. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining surveys and interviews to gather quantitative and qualitative data on the financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of Millennials and Gen Z individuals. The research explores key areas of financial literacy, including budgeting, savings, investment awareness, debt management, and comprehension of financial instruments. The findings shed light on the current state of financial literacy within these cohorts, identifying strengths and areas requiring improvement. Additionally, the study examines the impact of various socio-economic factors, educational backgrounds, and digital engagement on financial literacy levels. By understanding the nuances of financial literacy within Millennials and Gen Z, policymakers, educators, and financial institutions can develop targeted strategies to enhance financial education initiatives and empower these generations to make informed financial decisions, ultimately contributing to their long-term financial well-being.

No of Downloads : 14

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2313

1). Mr. Vinod K. Parghi, , Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
2). Dr. Dinesh Chavda, Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Junagadh, Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Artificial Intelligence, Private Banking, Digital Age, Digital Transaction.

Abstract :

This research was conducted to determine whether or not artificial intelligence (AI) really facilitates work or transactions and how the use of AI in banks has affected bankers and customers. To achieve the objectives of providing useful suggestions that would help the consumer have a smooth transaction and the banker has less work to do, a number of hypotheses were generated and tested. This research delves into the multifaceted realm of AI in banking, specifically focusing on customer perspectives and the resultant shifts in performance metrics. As per customer point of view total 150 primary data were collected for the study. The research employs advanced statistical tools, with a particular emphasis on utilizing SPSS software for rigorous analysis. Key statistical methods, including Pearson Chi Square, Correlation, and Regression analyses, were applied to extract meaningful insights from the dataset. The findings of this research contribute valuable insights into the intricate dynamics between AI, customer perceptions, and banking performance.

No of Downloads : 18

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2314

1). Mr. Amar Jamnekar, G H Raisoni University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
2). Ms. Sheetal Warankar, G H Raisoni University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India

Keywords :

Insurance, Tax, Individual

Abstract :

As income Tax code, 2009 will come into force from 1st April, a most radical fiscal roadmap for India it is expected that it will have large impact on assesses as well as insurance companies. In present study it is proposed to know the impacts of new code. Insurance business not only is a tool for an individual for security, saving and investment but also helps to mobilize and canalize significant amounts of saving and investments in corporate and government bonds, a commercial mortgage and equity. After privatization of insurance and establishment of IRDA insurance business has opened opportunities for carrier and investment for rural individual it may be required for security and investment but for urban population it is a tax saving instrument also. In the present study authors have observed a number of implications for the insurance sector both life and non life and found that under DTC only sum paid towards a contract for an annuity plan of any insurer is eligible for a deduction. Payments received from maturity is taxable except received in case of death on the condition premium should not exceed five percent of the capital sum assured in any year during the term of the policies system of taxation will continue. More than 90% of selected assesses takes positive for saving and investment as exemption limit go higher in addition to other benefits. Earlier life insurance companies were being taxed at confessional rates but now they will be taxed at normal corporation rate i.e.30 percent. Also they will have to pay five percent distribution tax seek for give some relaxations.

No of Downloads : 66

Author (s) : DOI : 10.56360/DIJCM/3.II.2023.2315

1). Ms. Soniya Raval, Patel Kelavni Mandal College, Junagadh, Gujarat, India

Keywords :

Textile industries, financial performance, Annual growth rate, Profit.

Abstract :

The Indian textile sector is aggressively expanding and is widely recognized worldwide. Over the recent five years, investment in the textile industry has increased. It also adopts the necessary measures to produce export-oriented goods, luring in new investment from both domestic and international sources. By 2025–2026, the Indian textile and apparel market is projected to increase at a 10% CAGR, totaling US$190 billion (2). India accounts for 4% of global textile and clothing trade. Because of this, the study concentrated on the financial performance and analysis of the top five textile industries (Trident Ltd., Arvind Ltd., Welspun Ltd., Vardhman Ltd., Raymond Ltd., and Arvind Ltd.). It also made predictions about the trend value of a chosen group of textile companies. This study's goal is to evaluate the financial performance and growth of the chosen textile companies while conducting a comparative analysis of their financial performance and soundness during the course of the five-year study period (2019–2023). The study's conclusions indicate that the financial performances of the textile industries have varied greatly in terms of growth rate, trend analysis, and efficiency position. Arvind Ltd has been leading all textile companies in terms of growth rate, followed by Trident, Welspun, Vardhman, and Raymond Ltd. These businesses have kept their current asset level greater than their current liability level, which has helped them retain a better position. This study would help the shareholders, investors, policymakers, managers and researchers, also to people who are involved in financial decision.

No of Downloads : 189

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